martes, 6 de noviembre de 2007

Incubus- Drive

Xia,aínda que ti en Boston e eu en California, isto vai for you and me!!!!Pa qe lo goses!!!

Twenty Fighters- No camino solo

Dende as mesmas entrañas da Viveiro Hardcore Crew aí queda iso!!!

Toma violin!!!

Led Zeppelin

Radiohead- You

You are the sun
and moon
and stars are you
And I could never run away from you
You try at working out chaotic things
And why, should I believe myself not you?
It's like the world is gonna end so soon
And why should I believe myself?
You, me and everything caught in the fire
I can see me drowning
Caught in the fire.

Remembering The Doors 1...

José Feliciano versionando Light my Fire. Que grande!!!

Wonderful world

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2007